The advantage of using -save-dev is that the dependency is listed in package.json so that when your code is placed on a different machine, running npm install installs all dependencies (except global ones). If you install globally with npm install -global uglifyjs, you don’t have to do this. node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs instead of just uglifyjs. node_modules/bin and if you want to run it directly from the command-line you need to write. Note: npm tools installed with -save-dev are located in.
In package.json in the "scripts" section, add a minify script that uses jsmin (replace name with the name of your JavaScript file, not your TypeScript file multiple filenames are allowed):.Install in a terminal with npm install -save-dev jsmin.It just removes spaces it does not shorten variable names so it does not provide the smallest possible size. This is a tiny (15KB), simple and old minifier, appropriate for simple programs/modules. NPMCONFIGPRODUCTIONfalse npm install -prefix client & npm install terser3.14.1 -prefix client & npm run build -prefix client added 1881 packages from 783 contributors and audited 36953 packages in 71. Parcel’s production mode, parcel build, also uses a minifier. If you’re using webpack to build your code, webpack -p reportedly minifies the application using “UglifyJSPlugin”. In Laravel by default Laravel mix is used to configure it easily. For production the build time will be more compared to development as some optimization tasks will be done only for production, this will minify the code as well. The amount of innovation and the sheer number of technology options is staggering. It is an exciting time for Web application developers. Automatically enabled if at least one of the records options provided to webpack config: recordsPath, recordsInputPath, recordsOutputPath. Menu Modern Web Stack - npm, TypeScript, and webpack 10 December 2016 on TypeScript, webpack. By default optimization.portableRecords is disabled. tsc -declaration & tsc -removeComments) 1. The actual difference between development and production is optimization. optimization.portableRecords tells webpack to generate records with relative paths to be able to move the context folder. y stands for yes to all general development questions asked on the command line. Go inside the file and initialize the package manager. We will leverage npm scripts to start our app in development mode and build a production version of our app. We are telling it that the root of the web server is the dist folder, and to serve files on port 4000. As of 2018 there is no compiler option to avoid this (at least you can remove comments with "removeComments":true, but if you are producing a d.ts file this will also remove comments from the d.ts file unless you perform a separate comment-removing build that does not produce a d.ts file, e.g. Step 1 (Setting up folder and downloading dependencies) Start with creating a folder and name it whatever you like. The devServer field configures the Webpack development server. Even if your TypeScript code uses two spaces for indentation and has compact expressions like x+1, the TypeScript compiler produces output with four spaces and adds spaces between things like x + 1. Unfortunately, the TypeScript compiler not only cannot produce minified output, it proactively wastes space.
pass -dev or so to npm run build, so I can get a build output in the same way as I get when running npm start, i.e. So my suggestion is: Provide a way to e.g. However, I do have a legitimate use case for it. Obfuscators are closely related - their goal is to make code harder to understand. I saw 3448 by Xopsy and unfortunately this has been closed.
For this reason, we have minifiers to remove spaces, remove newlines and shorten variable names to a single character. Since web apps are sent over the internet, it’s good to keep them small so that the app loads quickly. Type: String|RegExp|Array - default: /\.html(\?.Leave a comment Four ways to minify your code Html-minifier-terser optimisations options. Const HtmlMinimizerPlugin = require ( "html-minimizer-webpack-plugin" ) const CopyPlugin = require ( "copy-webpack-plugin" ) module.